React And Rctimagedownloader Folders Created Under Documents

Jan 23, 2019 User Folder. In Windows 7 and earlier versions, you had a User folder directory which was used to store and organize your files in folders by content, such as Documents, Audio Files, Pictures. When you run create-react-app the following files are generated Most, if not all of our code will go in the src folder, so what’s the deal with the public folder? The public folder is special.

I have been asked by quite a few people on listing documents from document libraries that include sub-folders; so I’d like to share with you a poor-man method of listing all files and folders in a document library in SharePoint with hundreds of files and folders, and displaying the contents of this in NotePad.

Now, I know there are probably lots of nice little apps out there, and I must admit writing one myself called GEGETDOCCONFIG (which does a whole lot more). There’s also information on how to use Powershell to enumerate document libraries here – but you can very quickly list all files and folders from a DIRectory assuming you can get its UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path and you can access the entire document library. All you will need to do is to use the famous DIR command from the command prompt, and you can do this without having to log onto any of the servers in your SharePoint farm.

If you’ve spent much time working in a DOS-based environment, chances are that you’re very familiar with the DIR command. When used in its most basic form, the DIR command simply displays a list of all the files and subdirectories contained within a particular directory. However, the DIR command has access to a fleet of special command line parameters that allow it to perform a host of very specific file listing and sorting operations. While you can perform many of these operations in Windows Explorer, the speed and accuracy with which you can perform them with the DIR command is astounding. Furthermore, you can easily combine these command line parameters to create unique directory listings on the fly.
You will need access to the COMMAND PROMPT, so you can use it against the UNC. A UNC is a naming convention used primarily to specify and map network drives in Microsoft Windows. Support for UNC also appears in other operating systems via technologies. UNC names are most commonly used to reach file servers or printers on a LAN. UNC names identify network resources using a specific notation. UNC names consist of three parts – a server name, a share name, and an optional file path. We will need the UNC of the relevant SharePoint location and then use DIR against it.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Get the UNC

Take for example, a document library whose contents you would like to list:


Its UNC from Windows Explorer would be:


Make a note of the UNC path you will need it in the next step.

Step 2: Generate the List

So, to list all the files and the folders, off to DOS we go:

Click Start -> Accessories -> Command Prompt

Then, enter this command:

DIR /d /s (name of the above UNC path) > (name of the file you want to pipe the list to)

For example:

DIR /d /s documentsproducts > c:productfilelist.txt

This will list all the files and folders from the UNC path into productfilelist.txt. Then, all you need to do is open this in notepad or clean it up in Excel.

That’s all there is to it.

Note that I used various switches, /d and /s in my DIR command – check out some other switches below.


Only the files whose attributes match the ones you specify will be displayed. You can enter a sequence of attributes after the colon. It is not necessary to enter spaces between entries.

The possible attributes are:

  • H|-H – Hidden (or not hidden) files.
  • S|-S – System (or non system) files.
  • D|-D – DIRectories (or files only).
  • R|-R – Read-only (or read/write) files.
  • A|-A – Archivable (or already archived) files.


Allows you to specify the order in which the entries will be displayed.

The possible options are:

  • N|-N – By name (alphabetical or reverse alphabetical).
  • E|-E – By extension ( alphabetical or reverse alphabetical).
  • D|-D – By date and time (chronologically or reverse).
  • S|-S – By size (increasing or decreasing).
  • C|-C – Sorts by DoubleSpace compression ratio lowest to highest or highest to lowest.
  • G|-G – Group directory (before, or after) other files.

Other Switches

React and rctimagedownloader folders created under documents free
  • /B – (Bare format) – Displays only file names.
  • /L Information is displayed in lowercase letters.
  • /S Displays file entries in the specified directory and all subdirectories located below it hierarchically.
  • /P Pauses when the screen is full. Press any key to display another screen full of data.
  • /W Displays only filenames and directory names (without the added information about each file) in a five-wide display format.

Also, note that you can use speech-marks to surround the UNC path if there are spaces in it. For example:

would read as:

“myportalmysubsiteshared documents”

Two final TechNet references for you if you need to get further information on DIR and UNC are below:



React And Rctimagedownloader Folders Created Under Documents Electronically


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Here we will see how to download file from server using React JS framework. You can use any server side technology to download file but we will focus on client side technology React JS framework. You may read more on react here at We will provide link as well as button on which user will click and download file from server. User will get Save As option when clicks on download link or button.

You may also like to read How to download file from server using Angular.


React, Node v12.9.0, npm 6.10.2

Go through the following steps for creating React project to download file from server using React.

Creating Project

Go through the link to create new React JS project. make sure to give the project name as react-file-download.

Wait till the project directory creation is not finished. When done you will get successful message.

Make sure you check the application runs at http://localhost:3000/ by executing npm start on project directory react-file-download using cmd prompt.

Note that when we open a file or edit a file in subsequent sections we will by default refer to the project root directory react-file-download and later we may not mention this directory name.

Changing the Title

When project directory creation is finished with all of its components then first task is to change the default title of the page.

Open the file public/index.html and update the title tag as shown below:

Creating React Class – DownloadFile

Create DownloadFile.js file under src directory with below content. Notice that you need to import the required module or component such as import React from ‘react’.

We should initialize variable’s state in constructor though in the below class we do not any variable that needs to be initialized. It is always good idea to call the super constructor even if we do not initialize any variable here.

We define a function called downloadEmployeeData() that will call REST API URL, for example, http://localhost:8080/employees/download and this REST API could be implemented using any server side technology as per your requirement.

Here the server URL sends JSON data which will be downloaded into a file.

We have two approaches in coding style for downloading the file and give users Save As option to save the file according to their choice of place.

We have the below code snippets that create URL with anchor tag, we pass the file name as employees.json and clicks on the URL to download the file with Save As option.

We have another line of code as shown blow, which will give users Save As option.

You can use any one of the approaches to download file from server.

Next we have render() function to render the elements of React app. Elements are the building blocks of React apps.

As we said in Introduction section that we will give users two options for downloading file using link or using button. So in this render() function we define our HTML elements with button and link to download file.

The downloadEmployeeData() function is called on onClick() function (onclick event of JavaScript).

Export the DownloadFile at the end of the DownloadFile class so that we can use this class in other modules, such as, we have used it later in below index.js file.

Applying Style – download.css

Notice we had included download.css style file into the above file but we didn’t say anything about it. This file is put under the src directory.

The download.css file contains simple style to for the div with id container and defines the width of the div with auto margin.

Updating index.js

Update the index.js file under src directory to import the DownloadFile class. To import a class you must first have to export it as we did for DownloadFile in the last line.

Notice how we render the React elements using render() from DownloadFile into a div called root, which is present on the public/index.html file.

React and rctimagedownloader folders created under documents free

Enough coding! Let’s make our application runnable and testable.

Testing the Application

If you didn’t run the command npm start on your project root directory from cmd prompt then you can execute this command. The application will start at http://localhost:3000 and open in a default browser.

Home Page

The home page of the application looks to the similar image as shown below:

File – Save As

When you click any one of the download options – link or button, then you will see below output on the browser. You can choose any location to save your file.

React And Rctimagedownloader Folders Created Under Documents Using

File – Employee Data

The saved file contains the below employee data when opened.

For server side code using Spring Boot you can use Download file using Spring Boot and React.

You may also like to read How to download file from server using Angular.

Source Code

Thanks for reading.